Monday, October 13, 2014

Finding Inspiration

Yeah... that is where I'm at right now. Sometimes when designing, one of the hardest things to do is find inspiration(and motivation but that's another topic for another day). I have learned over time is sometimes the best inspiration is the kind that comes from yourself.


Sketching and drawing are VERY important parts of being an artist and designer. The best way to start any project is first with paper and pencil. It doesn't matter how good or bad the sketch looks only that any and all ideas you have are recorded. The more you sketch and record any idea you have the more you will have(It's kinda like a muscle. The more you used it the better you get at it) To tackle any project it's good to take one bit at a time. Break it down into pieces in to writing and sketches(now how many pieces there are and how big depends project by project basis).

Sometimes is also can help having some books about principals of Graphic Design can help. I rather like the book call:

Graphic Design Thinking Beyond Brainstorming 

It has some interesting stuff in it. Talked about well... brainstorming and some of the different ways that people and companies brainstorm.

Well I'm done for now. Good night :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

I have returned!!!!


It's been a while (okay, a REALLY LONG WHILE) since I updated this blog. I let some life things get the best of me.

I have been learning some (what I consider) hard lessons about being an artist/designer. One very important lesson: DON'T GIVE UP, cause everyone has different versions of success and job hunting can be a roller coaster ride. Second lesson: BE SOCIAL. Make lots of friends in your field. Get out there, join organizations like AIGA and/or volunteer for things you are passionate about. If your busy: make time. If your shy or socially awkward: go do the social things anyway; there will be people that understand. Friends help friends and it can help you down the road so don't burn bridges and keep in touch with the people. When you finally get a job return the favor. These are some of the things I'm only learning now and wish I had picked them up before I graduated I hope they help anyone else who's considering being an artist or designer.

So that's all for today. Will be back updating on Monday.  ^_^