Monday, June 30, 2014


      Happy Monday! It's a renewed day/week!

So things have been happening here in the land of the non-virtual world. It's pretty exciting but got me a little off track from the regular posting. So might say it at a later date but for now... hiya I'm back! :)

   So today's topic is branding. Yay!

Any-who there is this one site I so love that shows brands that have been redesigned lately. From them I want to talk about a re-branding for a site called Soulmates. According to the site Brand New  "Soulmates is an online dating service offered by British newspaper,  The Guardian. 350,000 people have joined since and reportedly 1,500 new members join each week."

 So the old logo of Soulmates:

The re-branded version:

Personally, I think the new branding for the dating site is a huge improvement. 
    The change in typeface from something that is thick with matter-of-factly feel to something lighter and softer helps convey the message of the site much more, it conveys the message of promise of romance.

Color choices:
     The new colors are more engaging and light hearted compared to the old logo. There is purpose for using the colors in old logo they way they did but I think harmed the logo more than helped it. By have two different colors in the "soulmates" it allows ones mind to visually separates the soul part from the mates. With out the separation the word become harder to read due to the thick, stockyness that is the old typeface; and though readability improves I think it takes away from the idea of what soul mates are and the message that a online dating service is meant to convey. The connection of two souls, souls that are meant to meet and be together. 
          Between the decision of one color used in the word "soulmates" and the awesome curly-q that connects the o to the u this idea is conveyed better in the new logo that old. Not to mention the redesign of their site and choices of pictures. See more yourself at :

For more news:


 Yay! Though I haven't been able to post everyday I still draw. I probably should start putting up so concept piece eventually... hm... new goals ^_^

These were from another sunrise(4am XP) beach trip it was gorgeous and hopefully I'll truly capture it one day:

By the way for all of you who are up and coming artist allow me to tell you something. Sketch don't have to be pretty or detailed all of the time. It's sometimes about practicing what you see to remember fully later when you have a project. Here's a book I would recommend(I rather like it at least) checking out if you want to draw from real life (if nudity bothers you sorry it's still has good practices different ways of drawing):

Sketching People: Life Drawing Basics

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